Discord Logo And the History of the Business

Let’s take a look at the Discord logo and some history of the business.

Despite the high rate of startup failures, there is no end to new inventions coming up. Now and then, you will hear of entrepreneurs launching new technologies. They take on the risk by finding solutions to problems that align with their passions. 

Mostly, many of these startups end up never reaching the market. But the few that the market accepts end up changing the status quo.  Discord is one such innovation that has impacted online gaming and communities. 

It’s a messaging app that allows the transfer of texts, images, and voice messages. Clyde is the official name of Discord’s funny mascot. It’s a friendly robot that takes the form of a console game controller.

The app is now popular among over 120 million registered users. Later, it earned the name unicorn. That’s because it doubled its valuation to about $1.65 billion. The funny mascot logo is the face of one of the world’s most visited platforms.  

The logo is now creating popularity for its young brand on multiple mediums. These include websites, social media, radio, television, t-shirts, and other marketing channels. 

Update: Discord updated their logo to celebrate turning 6.
This is the new Discord Logo 2021.
The updated new look of the logo is a boxier-looking Clyde. The Discord Bot looks more like a robot with this design.

The Discord Logo Evolution

Discord is only five years in existence. The emblem shows in-depth research from the designer. It’s a highly–crafted trademark that reflects what the brand is offering. So, it would be unwise for anyone to expect an update from a logo that’s much younger. 

2015—The Original Discord Mascot Logo

The mascot logo has three unique parts—a square, an abstract image, and a typeface. Its first part is a blue square with rounded edges: The shape looks like a dialogue cloud in the sky. Inside the blue background is a stylized abstract white object. It has two blue eyes, hands, and short antennas. 

The complete image looks like a smiling crab. Also, you wouldn’t be wrong to say it looks like a console game controller. After all, the initial aim was for the gaming community. The eye-grabbing logo has a custom typeface on the right side. To attract more eyeballs, the designer cut off part of the bar of the letter – D.  

Why the Discord Logo Works?

Not all logo designs are impressive. Luckily, the mascot trademark is outstanding. All great logos have some common traits that make them stand out from their rivals. Though young, the mascot emblem is an award-winning one. 

Users can relate well with the mascot logo because it’s catchy and friendly.  The smiling mascot tells users that the brand is likable and its platform user–friendly. With these assurances, users become comfortable using the platform.

With less graphic elements, the discord trademark is clean and readable. Hence, users can recognize and understand it with no barrier. More so, it’s versatile and scalable across all marketing mediums. Finally, it has remained consistent within the last five years.  

Discord Logo Design Elements

Design elements are crucial ingredients for creating logos. Graphic designers depend on them to create attractive visual identities for businesses. These are shapes, colors, texts, and images. To craft the trademark for Discord, the designer used fewer graphic elements. Thus, creating a minimalist mascot logo that’s highly appealing. 

Discord Logo Shape And Symbols

  1. A square:

The emblem has a square background. Its designer turned it into a dialogue cloud: The dialogue cloud emphasizes chatting among users.  The four sides of the shape represent directions—north, south, east, and west. 

With this, the square figure implies that location isn’t a barrier to using the platform. That’s true because Discord uses the internet. More so, a square promotes a sense of community, integrity, and being practical. That’s an excellent symbol for a messaging app. 

  1. A Circle:

The funny mascot has a head and two eyes: The circles represent these features. Together, they look like a console game controller with a joystick. Unity, wholeness, and infinity are the vibes that Discord conveys for using a circle. 

  1. A Smile:

Clyde has a cut–out space below it. The effect is a broad smile for the mascot. This smiling habit of the mascot makes it friendly and adorable. It’s this infectious smile that makes the brand inviting. A trait that the brand expects from its massive users. 

  1. Human Features:

It’s easy for most people to identify the emblem as a person. That’s because it has features that look like ears, eyes, mouth, and hands. In a creative sense, you can conclude that the mascot stands for its users. 

Discord Logo Color

Colors can help or hurt your logo design: It’s the reason experts put much thought into their color selections. The ideal color choice must be fewer than three, and Discord has adhered to the best color rules. It has two contrasting colors of blue and white. The result is a clean and visible trademark. The emblem’s colors also convey the right persona of the organization. 

  1. Blue Color:

Discord has adopted the color of the sky and ocean. Its mascot often comes out in pastel blue. You can find it on the square background and in the brand’s name. Light blue is a color that most people like. It conveys fidelity, wisdom, and honesty. Also, the color relates to calmness, trust, and safety. 

  1. White Color: 

White is the next visible color that Discord has favored for its smiling mascot. It’s a clean and neutral color that’s opposite to black. Discord used this color to convey simplicity, humility, and innocence. White also represents cleanliness, goodness, and loyalty.

Discord Logo Typography

Like human beings, every brand has its name. Names give each brand a unique identity and allow customers to recognize it from others. However, brand names can’t stand on their own. They rely on topography to serve their purposes. Typography, in contrast, gives personality to brands.

The Discord mascot has a stylized yet readable font. It’s a custom typeface from the sans–serif family. The typeface mirrors the Uni Sans Heavy, but with a unique letter—D. The alphabets which mark the starting and end of the brand’s name have their vertical bars cut–off.  

Who Started Discord?

Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy are the founders of Discord, Inc. These two partners are video game enthusiasts. They created the software to allow their friends to chat with each other while playing video games online. 

After having challenges in their other startups, Stan pitched an idea to Jason. It was the concept of connecting gamers together. Jason Citron bought into the plan, and together they started working on software. 

Jason developed an interest in video games when his parent bought him a Nintendo DES. He was five years. He started coding when he was about 13 years. One of his friends taught him how to code using Qbasic. 

In 2004, he completed a Bachelor of Science, Game Design and Development at Full Sail University. With gaming as his passion, he launched two businesses around it. These were OpenFeint and Hammer & Chisel before Discord, Inc. He sold OpenFeint to the Japanese mobile game maker, GREE for $104 million.  By 2011, OpenFeint was the largest mobile gaming platform in the world. 

 Most of Jason’s entrepreneurial knowledge came from YouWeb Incubator, where he acquired vital business skills. These include hiring, marketing, fundraising, and business law. These skills were crucial to his success as a serial entrepreneur.  

How Discord Got Started

To create a way to communicate with gaming friends led to the eventual development of the app. That was the need the founders wanted to solve. There was the same need among most video game lovers. 

Some game lovers wanted to play video games while communicating with their friends. Others wanted to continue chatting when they weren’t playing any game. Skype and TeamSpeak were the only options available.

Yet, game lovers hate them because they do not solve their immediate needs. Luckily, Citron, Stan, and their hardworking team solved the puzzle when they released the app in 2015. Before this breakthrough, the developers worked on other gaming projects.

In 2012, Citron launched Hammer & Chisel after selling OpenFeint. He aimed to create a platform with many features for video game enthusiasts. His effort paid off when he designed Fates Forever, an online game. The game was identical to the League of Legends. 

Fates Forever had extra features like voice and text chats. These chat extras brought a lot of fun to players who talked and played with their friends. Though this was an achievement, it was short-lived. Users’ desire to chat with each other outclassed the original plan of the founders. 

The feedback that got to Citron and his team shows that players adore the chat better than the game. To put the data into use, the organization dissolved the game development team. They assigned new roles to people and got rid of other workers. 

They spent six months working on their new challenge. Thus, finding the most convenient means for game players to communicate. To do this, they branched into two groups of ten users. One group played the League of Legends and the other, World of Warcraft. 

They worked hard on the project and shared each update with friends. Later, they discovered the problem with their project. The call quality was low and breaking. The team rebuilt the voice technology and made it better. 

The team added more exciting features that users loved. With these extras, the app became more useful. Users can moderate, ban, assign roles, and give permission to others. With an improved interface, news spread among its users. They endorsed the innovation.

Citron and Stan launched the business when hundreds of users started using the platform daily. On 13th May 2015, the need to talk to friends either in-game mood or not was born. Its tagline at the time was, “It’s time to ditch Skype and TeamSpeak.”

In January 2016, the organization raised $20 million from Warner Media. Again, it got an extra $150 million in December 2018 from various venture capitalists. To carry out more extensive works, it received $100 million in the last months of 2020. 

How Big Is Discord

Discord is a company that allows instant exchange of texts, voice messages, and images. In brief, it’s an online messenger with an initial focus on video game players.

Discord users can create and chat via communities called “Servers.”  Here, users can exchange voice calls, video calls, texts, and other private chats. The app runs on almost all operating systems.  These include Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux. It also functions in web browsers. 

In 2017, the company launched video calling and screen sharing. These features allow users to create private video calls and share their screens with up to 40 users. It also has a game storefront and a monetization system. 

Today it has about 250 million registered users, 100 million monthly active users, and 10 million daily active users. It also boasts of 6.7 million servers. Its revenue base is around $120 million, and experts valued it at $3.5 billion. 

The original concept of creating a chat platform for gamers has changed. Now, the brand serves various interests and communities. These include sports, music, gardening, students, and teachers, among other interest groups. 

Jason Citron is the Chief Executive Officer, and Stan Vishnevskiy is the CTO. Both business partners are the founders of Discord, Inc.  The current tagline is, “Your place to talk.”

Bringing the Curtains Down

Discord has risen from an unexpected business idea to an online business giant. Its rise to the top shows the importance people attach to communication. Jason and Stan would have failed if they had remained steadfast on their original idea. 

Part of building a great business is to listen and implements feedback from customers. It’s a potent business strategy that every entrepreneur should use. The sudden rise of Discord shows that it’s customer-oriented. 

Discord’s influence across the world shows a company that’s led by a powerful brand. Here, the funny Discord logo is performing its primary role of attracting more users. 

The brand’s achievement within five years is remarkable. But, there is massive potential ahead of the company.  The organization has come to stay, and its mascot will continue to lead to more successes.