New Orleans Saints logo and Its History

Let’s get an insight into the New Orleans Saints logo and some history behind the football club.

The New Orleans Saints logo is the fleur-de-lis. It’s a French word that means lily flower in English. The simple but striking logo also represents the city of New Orleans. And it has an illustrious history with France and other European nations.

The New Orleans Saints logo has changed little since its birth. The club unveiled the original badge in 1967. It was a black and white mark that evoked loyalty and elegance. Then, after thirty-three years, the owners released the gold mark. It carried the aura of nobility and royalty.

Today, the Saints logo has a toned golden shade against black and white outlines. And it still conveys the personality of the club. Besides this iconic emblem, the club has two mascots. You’ll spot Sir Saint and Gumbo the Dog clad in official uniforms during matches.

The Saints logo is instantly recognizable. It’s modest, chic, unique, and versatile. In short, the New Orleans Saints logo meets all the design requirements of a logo. So, fans adore it! Now, let’s explore the history of the Saints logo.

New Orleans Saints Logo History

The New Orleans Saints logo has evolved four times. The first update came in 2000. Then, three others followed in 2002, 2012, and 2017. Yet, despite these updates, the logo’s personality remains the same. Indeed, the changes reflect the work of an expert.

1967—The Original Logo:

The Saints unveiled their first logo in 1967. It was a monochrome fleur-de-lis mark with a taste of royalty. Also, the beautiful simple symbol had a black and white outline. It resonates with New Orleans and the Royal Family in France, including the House of Bourbon. This Saints’ trademark served the club for almost thirty years.

2000—The Second Logo:

The Saints had their first logo modified in 2000. The fleur-de-lis icon became more streamlined. For instance, the outlines were thicker and sharper compared to the original logo. Again, the designer introduced triple outlines and colors. Besides the black and white, he introduced a golden color. For about eleven years, this floral emblem reigned with peace and love.

2012—The Third Logo:

The New Orleans Saints logo underwent a minor change in 2012. The designer toned the color, turning it into a lighter shade of gold. This gave the logo an ancient personality, referencing the French Royal House. It ruled for almost four years, paving the way for the latest logo.

2017—The Current Logo:

In 2017, the Saints logo had another update. It’s a subtle one hardly visible to the untrained eyes. Compared to the previous one, this version has a different color tone than its golden hue.

Why Does the New Orleans Saints Logo work?

1. The Saints Logo Is Simple:

The New Orleans Saints logo is simple. It features minor graphic elements. The noble lily flower is the sole icon that marks its charisma. So, fans can build instant attachment with it. If you want your audience to relate instantly to your logo, then simplicity is your key.

2. The Saints Logo Is Consistent:

The New Orleans Saints logo has had some updates. Yes, no doubt about it! However, its core values and personality have been the same for decades. That is why it has imprinted its powerful emotions in the minds of its fans. In brevity, the fleur-de-lis logo is steady.

3. The Saints Logo Is Memorable:

Savvy entrepreneurs strive to have memorable emblems. It’s the reason they hire expert graphic designers. When your audience can recall your brand, then you have a winning visual asset. Joyfully, the Saints logo is quick to remember. That’s because it’s clean, unique, and attractive.

4. The Saints Logo Is Attractive:

Do you want your audience to wink at your trademark? Then aim for a pleasing logo design. Thankfully, the New Orleans Saints logo is visually enticing. This quality allows it to draw fans quickly. Also, its beauty affords it to connect with fans at an emotional level.

5. The Saints Logo Is Scalable:

Given any marketing medium, the Saints logo can match with less stress. That’s because it has a clean layout. So, always be mindful; you’ll use your logo on several channels. That is the surest means to speak to your target audience. So, you can’t ignore this vital logo requisite.

New Orleans Saints Logo Design Elements

The New Orleans Saints logo is famous for several reasons. One, you can count its graphic elements as part of the victory. Amusingly, the logo has a pretty flower painted in three colors. These colors are gold, black and white. They complement each other artistically. Come with me as we explore the emotions of each one of them. You have a lot to discover!

New Orleans Saints Logo Shape And Symbols

A Lily Flower:

The Saints have a legendary symbol. Famously, people called it the fleur-de-lis, a French term. It’s a lily flower with three beautiful petals. Across Europe, particularly France, it’s associated with citizens of the elite class. The Saints’ icon symbolizes royalty, nobility, and high social status. Also, the Saints emblem represents honesty, justice, life, and wealth.

New Orleans Logo Colors

1. Black Color:

Black is one of the custom colors of the club’s visual ambassador. In the original logo, it was the most distinctive color. Yet, in the later designs, it formed their outlines. Black signifies power, mystery, and authority. Again, it symbolizes elegance, seriousness, and wealth.

2. White Color:

White is the next official color. It is featured in all the logos as an outline color. White represents purity, safety, and humility. In other cultures, white symbolizes faith, virginity, and simplicity. Also, the color of snow evokes clarity, coolness, and loyalty. 

3. Gold Color:

Gold is now the prominent color of the Saints’ logo design. It’s a warm color with a mixture of yellow and brown. The color symbolizes riches, splendor, and wealth. Again, gold represents courage, passion, and grandeur. Gold is a glamorous color of the nobles.

What Font Is the New Orleans Saints Using?

Have you ever seen the Saints’ wordmark? Frankly, most people haven’t met this bold and readable wordmark. That’s because the team doesn’t use it together with the lily mark. Yet, it’s an attractive custom font with an all-caps personality. To use a similar font, you can’t go wrong with either Solemnity font or Simeon AS typeface. Both fonts are closer to the Saints font.

What Does the New Orleans Saints Logo Represent?

The New Orleans Saints logo is a lily flower. Its French name is fleur-de-lis. What it represents is two folds—the past and modern symbolism. In the past, the French adopted it as a national identity. The elite owners engrave the mark on the skin of slaves and livestock.

Then, it was a symbol of punishment, pain, hate, threats, etc. Today, as a logo of a reputable franchise, it represents positive energies. These include wealth, nobility, loyalty, and prestige.

Is fleur-de-lis offensive?

This is a delicate question. Most people with black ancestral blood wouldn’t appreciate this symbol. Why? Because the sign has an emotional link with the French revolution. And some historians regard it as a mark of authority, identity, and supremacy against people.

In plain terms, it was a mark of punishment for slaves. Louisiana adopted the practice in 1724. And the slave masters called it the “Code Noir.” When translated to English, it means the “Black Code.” Sadly, part of the code included labeling run-away slaves with the fleur-de-lis symbol.

This insight came from Dr. Ibrahima Seck, a slave historian. Dr. Seck reasoned that the mark brings sad memories. Terrence Fitzmorris, a history professor, also confirmed the dark history of the symbol. But, compared to the Confederate flag, most historians believe it’s less offensive.

Today, the fleur-de-lis symbol has become dear to the city of New Orleans. Some people see it as a sign of unity, thus seeing no reason to change it.

Where Does the New Orleans Saints Logo Come From?

The New Orleans Saints logo originated from France. However, others have used it throughout Europe. It’s called the fleur-de-lis and linked to the French royalty. Also, it’s a badge associated with the Catholic Saints of France. The logotype stands for nobility and wealth.

What Is the Mascot for the New Orleans Saints?

The New Orleans Saints have two official mascots. Gumbo the Dog being one and Sir Saint the other. Gumbo was a Saint Bernard dog that dons the team’s uniform. Today, the mascot is a person wearing the club’s jersey and a dog head. In addition, it prefers the jersey number—00.

Sir Saint is a tall Caucasian. He has small eyes, uneven feet, and a prominent chin. Like Gumbo the Dog, it also wears the team uniform but with a helmet. Sir Saint likes golden leggings.

Is the Saints Logo Black or Gold?

The New Orleans Saints logo uses three official colors. These are gold, black, and white. Most people identified the golden shade as old gold. The gold represents wealth, black elegance, and white loyalty. So, the Saint logo is both black and gold. You also can refer to it as white.

What Does the Fleur-de-lis Symbolize?

Fleur-de-lis is a unique flower with three petals. It has a strong connection with the French Monarchy. The flower symbolizes life, protection, and purity. In other traditions, it signifies honor, unity, and royalty. Today, it’s one of the official visual marks of the New Orleans Saints.

A Brief History of Saints Logo:

From the South Division, you’ll find the New Orleans Saints playing in the National Football League. The franchise is a professional American Football club based in New Orleans. Via the lobby of Dave Dixon and some local influencers, the NFL granted a franchise to New Orleans.

This campaign took over five years, finally becoming a reality on November 1, 1966. Joyfully, it was on All Saints’ Day, a good omen for the Catholic-dominated community. So, the city became the NFL’s sixteenth franchise. And John Mecom Jr. became its first owner.

The club named Victor Schwenk as director of player personnel. Five days later, Tom Fears became the head coach. Then, on January 9, 1967, the franchise adopted the nickname—Saints. Finally, in an expansion draft, the Saints selected forty-two players on February 9, 1967. 

Then, on March 8, they unveiled their first season-ticket drive. Happily, the club sold 20,000 tickets on the first day. Again, before the first match, fans have bought 33,400 tickets. These figures show the air of passion in the city before their first match. 

On September 17, 1967, the Saints started their first regular season. They faced the Los Angeles Rams at Tulane Stadium. The stadium attracted 80,879 fans. Sadly, they lost but witnessed John Gilliam’s 94-yard touchdown return with the opening kickoff.

On November 5, 1967, the Saints defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 31-24. Then, on December 17, they beat the Washington Redskins 30-14, ending the season with 3-11. This record leveled the Saints with Minnesota and Atlanta. It was a record of the most wins by an expansion club.

On March 29, 1968, Victor Schwenk became the club’s general manager. Yet, the Saints struggled to gain the top spot. For instance, on December 15, 1968, they placed third in their division. In the last match, they beat the Pittsburgh Steelers, ending with a 4-9-1 record.

The club’s magical moment began when Tom Benson bought the franchise in 1985. Tom doubled as a banker and an automobile entrepreneur. Quickly, Tom hired Jim Finks as the general manager. Also, he appointed Jim Mora as head coach. His decision proved successful.

On November 1, 1987, the Saints beat Atlanta 38-0. It was the most significant score in club history. Also, it was a better way to celebrate their birthday. The Saints beat Green Bay 33-24 to finish the season with a 12-3 record in the last game. They nearly won their first division title.

On December 16, 1991, the Saints beat LA Raiders 27-0, breaking four losing streaks. With this win, the Saints got a playoff spot and closer to their first title. Finally, on December 22, 1991, they beat the Cardinals 27-3, winning their first NFC West Title. It was a joyful moment.

Let’s leapfrog to the year 2010. On January 24, the Saints beat Minnesota 31-28. The game took place at the Superdome. It ushered the Saints to their first Super Bowl contest. Finally, on February 7, they beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17 to annex the Super Bowl Title.

At 90, Tom Benson passes on. The sad event occurred on March 15, 2018. However, without a doubt, the Saints and their fans shall forever idolize him. He was a vibrant leader!

Why Is It Called New Orleans Saints?

In sport, it’s a tradition for most clubs to take on their cities’ names. Again, most adopt names that align with historical events. This trend is no different in the National Football League. For instance, you’ll find the Chicago Bears, New York Giants, Pittsburgh Steelers, etc.

Yes, this is the custom for all the thirty-two teams in the American National Football League. They pay tributes to the cities where they play their home games. On November 1, 1966, the city of New Orleans got the nod to play in the National Football League.

By default, you know the team would assume the city’s name. But how did the Saints come about? That’s a good question, and I’ll share with you three sources of inspiration.

1. Catholic Impact:

The Catholic faith is well-rooted in New Orleans. The city has a large population of catholic followers. So, when the city won the NFL franchise days earlier, Dixon influenced the broadcast day. Dave Dixon, a sports entrepreneur, persuaded Pete Rozelle, NFL commissioner, to announce on November 1, 1966, marking the franchise’s birth on All Saints’ Day. All Saints’ Day is a Catholic celebration that honors all saints of the Catholic faith.

2. Heritage of Jazz:

New Orleans is the home of unique music. Most people recognized it as the birthplace of jazz. Traditionally, the city has its iconic anthem—When the Saints Come Marching In. This song also inspired the club’s name. It began when AI Hirt, a jazz trumpeter, joined the club as a shareholder. He made a rendition of the song that became the team’s official anthem.

3. Approval By Archbishop:

Philip Hannan was then the archbishop of New Orleans. The owners of the new franchise talked to him about the name. They reasoned they could offend or commit blasphemy by using the word—Saints. However, the archbishop was happy with the idea and gave them his blessings. He even wrote the club’s official prayer for them.

My Final Remarks on New Orleans Saints Logo History

The New Orleans Saints logo is clad in three color shades. Gold represents royalty, black signifies wealth, and white evokes cleanness. The club adopted the logo in 1967, and it’s almost the same after five decades. Fleur-de-lis is the nickname for the famed logo.

Also, Sir Saint and Gumbo the Dog are two famous mascots for the club. During matches, you’ll find them talking with fans. Like most new teams in the NFL, the Saints struggled to meet their fans’ expectations. But, through hard work and sound decisions, they became a winning club.

Along with other investors, John Mecom Jr. became the club’s majority owner. Then, in 1985, he transferred ownership to Tom Benson. Tom and his new leadership brought the Saints to the top. Then, after he died in 2018, Gayle Benson took over as owner and manager of the franchise.